Renes Studio

artistic interior design and framing

SR5 | silver leaves agate polished, wormed
OX1 | silver leaves agate polished on red background, oxided and rubbed
OX2 | silver leaves, polished by agate, oxided on black background, oxidized and rubbed
OX4 | silver leaves, polished by agate, oxided on black background, lightly rubbed
OX5 | silver leaves, polished by agate, oxided on black background, sightly rubbed
OX6 | silver leaves, polished by agate, oxided on black background, middle rubbed
OX10 | diamonds silver leaves, polished by agate, oxided on black background, rubbed and patinated
OX11 | diamonds silver leaves, polished by agate, oxided on red background, rubbed and patinated
OX12 | rounded silver leaves, polished by agate, oxided on red background, rubbed and patinated
OX13 | silver leaves, polished by agate, oxided on red background, softly rubbed and patinated
OX13 | srebro płatkowe na czarnym pulmencie, oksydowane,lekko przecierane i politurowane
OX17 | srebro płatkowe na czarnym podkładzie, oksydowane,mocno przecierane i laserowane politurą
AL1 | silver leaves imitation on the black background
AL2 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, warmed
AL4 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, glazed and patinated
AL5 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, patinated
AL6 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, glazed and patinated
AL7 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, sightly glazed and patinated
AL8 | imitacja srebra płatkowego na czarnym podkładzie, równolegle przecierana i patynowana
AL9 | silver leaves imitation on the multicolor background, sightly glazed and patinated
AL10 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, sightly glazed and patinated
AL11 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, sightly rubbed and patinated
AL12 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, sightly rubbed and patinated
AL14 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, parallel rubbed and patinated
AL15 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, parallel softly warmed
AL16 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, sightly patinated
AL17 | silver leaves imitation on the black background, warmed and patinated